Blood 'n Fire Ramp in Atlanta, GA Article at Skatepark of Tampa

Blood 'n Fire Ramp in Atlanta, GA

Posted on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 by

Blood 'n Fire Ramp in Atlanta, GA
Words by Adam Burgess

Way back when there wasn't really any terrain like this in Atlanta, Nick Hersey approached the homeless shelter that this place is at and got them to let him start building some ramps. Its evolved into what it is today

Dodge takes them snaps over the camel bump

The Blood 'n Fire bowl is at a shelter outside of downtown ATL, and these are some of the inhabitants’ sleeping quarters. There were some great paintings throughout this building as well as graffiti surrounding the outside rec area

Ryan Dodge should have a samurai sword in his hand for this tre bomb to fakie. The man’s got moves! 360 flip

Dodge goes frontside on this melon grab. I think Rob’s addiction was rubbing off on the hesh sesh

I knew it! Pete Kelly is under the influence of his peers. Big ol’ melon

Pete rips. Scenic frontside ollie

This is one of the surrounding buildings outside the Blood-n-Fire bowl. It reminds me of home and I can almost smell the cigars on 7th Ave

Rob was starting to get the joneses for a melon grab. Luckily we made it to the Blood-n-Fire bowl and he got his fix. Blasted melon to frontside rock


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