C1rca Frank Gerwer Jerk Shoes in stock at SPoT Skate Shop

C1rca Frank Gerwer Jerk Shoes

Frank Gerwer, a longtime fan of Steve Martin, brings to you his first pro model shoe named after Steve Martin's first starring role in a feature film, The Jerk. The premise of the movie revolves around Steve Martin's character, who happens to be a homeless bum, similar to Frank it seems...haha. All jokes aside though, this vulcanized skate shoe with canvas upper materials, padded tongues and collars, and reinforced ollie areas are ready to skate fresh out of the box. No jerking around.
Sorry, this product is currently not in stock. Below are colors we've previously had. Email info@skateparkoftampa.com with any questions.
OUT OF STOCK Color: Black Canvas/ Mosaic/ Trippy
OUT OF STOCK Color: Black/ Firecracker/ White


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