Anti-Hero Anti-Hero X Gnarhunters Long Sleeve Pocket T Shirt in stock at SPoT Skate Shop

Anti-Hero Anti-Hero X Gnarhunters Long Sleeve Pocket T Shirt

Frank Gerwer entered international skateboarding finance in the late 80's as a member of the first "street wear" revolution. He however quickly moved on after seeing the writing on the wall (kooks go home) and ditched the dayglow. He stayed focused on hardcore street shredding for the next few decades, meeting fellow ex-dayglow enthusiast and fellow street shredder Elissa Steamer along the way. Elissa, in her own post dayglow trajectory and deeply influenced by her own love of surfing and skating, started Gnarhunters in 2013. Deluxe brings you a collaboration of more than just two brands, but of friendship and even love. Anti-Hero and Gnarhunters bring you their bastard offspring, the Pigeon Of The Sea! Eco friendly no plastic packaging.
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OUT OF STOCK Color: White