Tampa Am 2018 Welcome To Town Party / Indy Trucks Photo Show Article at Skatepark of Tampa

Tampa Am 2018 Welcome To Town Party / Indy Trucks Photo Show

Posted on Monday, November 12, 2018 by

Thursday at Tampa Am is the Welcome to Town party where we say what's up to all the new and old faces coming through the door. Indy Trucks put together a 30 year retrospective of ads from over the years, classics like Cardiel and newcomers like Kader Sylla, all blown up huge and hung on the wall. In addition, the legendary Thrasher photographer Rhino was cool enough to come along and show some of his iconic photos from over the years. The night finished off with two video premieres: "Till the End Vol. 2" from Santa Cruz and "Gotta Pray to Play" from Indy Trucks. Thanks again to all those guys for a super rad first night at Tampa Am.

Photos: Josh Bowser
It was rad to see all these old Indy ads blown up big and hanging on the wall. All hail Cardiel.
Current and former Bricks employees enjoying the festivities.
The man, the legend: Rhino.
The Indy & Santa Cruz video premieres were sick!
If there's an iconic Thrasher photo that's your favorite, Rhino probably shot it.
Thank you, Independent Trucks, Santa Cruz and all of NHS for a rad first night at Tampa Am.


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